Sunday, December 23, 2007

Outside Reading Week 7 - Post A

  1. formaldehyde (326): a colorless, toxic, potentially carcinogenic, water-soluble gas, derived methyl alcohol by oxidation
  2. palpable (327): readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived, etc.
Figurative language:
  1. "I'm sitting at a Formica table in the back of an impressively appointed RV sipping an equally impressive single malt-Laphroaig, if I'm not missed taken, and singing like a canary." (326) This is a simile. Jacob is comparing one of the tipsy members' of the Ringling Circus slurring and singing to a canary. 
  2. "The sleepless nights, the wailing babies; the days the interior of the house looked like had been hit by a hurricane..."(327) This is an example of imagery. Jacob describes what fatherhood was like for him. This section applies to sight because he so well describes the state of their extremely mess house. 
  3. "I snort like a pig with glee." (331) This is also a simile. After Charlie allows Jacob to run away with the circus, Jacob is so excited that he snorts-which he compares to a pig.
"All right. Let's give you something to tell your grand kids about. Or your great-grand kids. Or great-great-grand kids." (331) Charlie tells Jacob that he can stay with him on the circus and Jacob is soo thankful that his eye's begin to mist over. I think that Charlie is so kind to make a huge decision like that after only having known Jacob for a few hours. Jacob is now 'home.'

The theme is still a home away from home. 

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