Monday, December 10, 2007

Outside Reading Week 5 - Post A


  1. belligerent (287): warlike; giving to waging war
  2. lithe (308): limber; supple; flexible
Figurative Language:

  1. "..splits his head in a single clean movement - ponk-..."(309) Ponk is an onomatopoeia because it is describing the sound of the wood plank hitting August's head. 
  2. "Marlena's scarf was sent dancing into the wind." (312) This is an example of personification because the scarf is being given the human characteristic of dancing.
  3. "I found yellow eyes, like small suns, staring back at me." (318) Jacob is using a simile while comparing the lion's eyes to small suns. 

"August's body was found and removed last night, and they're performing an investigation." (313) August died!! I expected him to be seriously hurt after the stampede, but I never thought he would die! I'm excited to find out what happens with Jacob and Marlena now that August is out of the picture. Also, I wonder if since Marlena is now a widow, if she will keep her and Jacob's baby.


The theme is still that you can have a home away from home.

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