Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Outside Reading Week 6 - Post A


  1. menagerie (326): a collection of wild or unused animals
  2. precedence (314): act or fact of preceding
Figurative Language:

  1. "She's dumb as a bag of hammers." (315) This is a simile. The elephant Rosie is being compared to a bag of hammers using the word 'as'.
  2. "..leaping from the platform like a gazelle." (316) This is also a simile. Marlena compared to a gazelle using the word 'like'.
  3. "Hot dogs jumped from their buns and rolled down the stands." (322) This is personification. The inanimate objects, hot dogs, are given the human characteristic of jumping. 
"It's Uncle Al. A makeshift garrote is tightened around his blackened neck." (320) This quote surprised me! I won't have ever thought that the author would have several important characters to die in the fire/stampede. Its important because now Marlena and Jacob are free and able to do and take their relationship where ever they want. 

Theme: A home away from home

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