Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Outside Reading Week 3 - Post B

Dear Sara Gruen,

I'm just writing to tell you that I absolutely LOVE your book! It's so good that I can never put it down and I lose track of time reading it! There are so many unexpected twists, so I'm never able to predict what's coming next. For instance, I never saw it coming when August blew up at Jacob and Marlena after the first show with Rosie and accuses them of being lovers and cheating on him.

The way you write and tell the story it is almost like you were there, or like you're writing from past experience. I also love the pictures you put at the beginning of each of the chapters. They make the book fun to read and help to put some characters with faces.

I'm so excited to keep reading and find out what happens with August and Marlena after she tells him that she is breaking up with him. I think he might go crazy and get really mad at Jacob, even though Jacob had nothing to do with Marlena. I hope that this incident won't lead to Jacob being red lighted or losing his job as the vet to the circus animals. I'm also curious about what will happen with Jacob in the present. The circus is coming to town and he is really excited. However, I have the feeling that something might happen between Jacob and the other resident living at the nursing home.

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