Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Outside Reading Week 2 - Post B

Since my last blogging, a lot of stuff has happened! Jacob becomes the circus's vet to all the animals, Uncle Al(the ring master) bought an elephant, and Jacob has gotten himself into a whole lot of trouble! Jacob is really starting to bug me. He finally has his life back on track, or as well is it could be living in the circus, then he does things to screw it up! He kisses Marlena, this giant guy named August's wife, he tells everyone that the Ringling circus(their biggest competitor) is better then them, which is like a major sin, and he gets totally tanked with a ton of the roustabouts. He just doesn't think about his actions! Jacob seems like a nice kid, and I hope he will learn to get his act together before Uncle Al redlights him(throws him off of the train while its moving! Scary!!).

I am also now learning about Jacob's present life at his nursing home. (The novel flashes back and forward a lot) There he gets in fights with one of the other residents about the stories he tells. The man tells everyone that when he was younger he would bring water for elephants at circus. This really upsets Jacob. He calls the man a lier and refuses to speak to him no matter how hard all the nurses try to get him to. I don't get Jacob. I don't know if its because he's old or something, but why does he have all these sudden outbursts? I'm anxious to find out the reason for Jacobs accusations and what will happen next..

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