Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Outside Reading - Week 5 Post B

Dear Evelina Chao,

It's me again! I just finished reading your novel, Yeh Yeh's House, and all I can say is wow! Your novel was extremely entertaining and hard to put down.

Your trip to China sounded amazing! I think it would be awesome to go there and see all sights that you did. (Like the Great Wall of China, and taking a boat ride down the Yangtze River) However, I think I'll pass on eating the special cooked turtle dish!

I was really happy to see that you finally made it to your Yeh Yeh's house. For awhile I was doubting that you would ever make it to Beijing. I was also really excited that you and your mother finally worked out your differences. Like you said before, sometimes it takes great lengths like going to the other side of the world, to bring two people together. Have you still stayed close since the trip? 

I'm sorry to hear about your Yeh Yeh's house being torn down, but at least you were able to stay it before it happened. I'm sure he would have wanted you to see it. Also, I think that it's very cute that you planted the same flowers you Yeh Yeh at home, to remind you of China.

I have several questions for you after finishing your novel:
  1. Have you ever returned to China?
  2. Have you stayed in contact with the relatives you met there?
  3. Did you ever choose a scroll from Yeh Yeh's house?
Again your novel was amazing!!

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