Agitation (51) - persistent urging of a political or social cause or theory before the public.
Imperturbability (37) - incapable of being upset or agitated.
- "She looked at me closely. 'I am Chinese. My home is in China. It is you who must come to China!'" (34) This is a logical appeal. Aunt Lucy finally stops dropping hints to Evelina about wanting her to come to China, and just comes out and says it.
- "Suddenly my mother with hand still dripping soapsuds, reached over and switched on the radio next to the sink so that music exploded into the kitchen, drowning out my voice." (46) This is an emotional appeal. Evelina tries over and over to talk to her mother about her problems and conflicts with going to China, but her mother always refuses to listen. Readers begin to feel sorry for Evelina as she is misunderstood by her mother and father.
- "When [the food] arrived, we began eating silently. Almost immediately he grimaced." (51) This is a logical appeal. Evelina continues to give examples of how stubborn and hard-headed her traditional father is.
"It wasn't until late in the afternoon that I got up the energy to go into Aunt Lucy's room to
change the sheets on her bed. As soon as I entered the room, I saw the brown bag. It was on her
bed, neatly folded. Inside was the piece of red-and-green taffeta plaid." (39) Throughout
Aunt Lucy's stay in America, Evelina tries to buy her something. She wants her aunt to leave
with something to remember her and the U.S. by. However, Chinese feel that it is a sign of
weakness if someone buys something for you. Evelina eventually talks her aunt into letting her
buy her a yard of fabric. It isn't till after she's left that Evelina finds that she left the gift
behind. This quote further shows the difference in traditions and customs between America
and China.
The theme of cultural differences is still strongly apparent. Another theme of acceptance of family
may also be emerging.